*disclaimer: klu gambo2 ni xbrp lawa... sori ek kemal... ako ni amateur photographer.. bkn paparazzi cam nua..
Eh eh... sape lak yg bertunang nih...
Stkt ni sume yg btunang / kawen drp lab kte ni sume yg pompuan blake... tapi.. jeng jeng jeng... secara rasminyer pd 20/12/09 (hari Ahad).. Mr. Arc a.k.a. Akmal a.k.a. kemal a.k.a. the onli jejaka kat lab yg even ade pon gf.. telah bertunang kpd dienyer long-time gf dan membe kte Kema!!
tapi lets start from the beginning shall we?
Perarakan mbawa hantaran pihak Kemal.. yg ebatnyer sume hantaran ni Kemal wat sendiri.. gubah hias gam lekat susun... ngn aunty2 die tlg ngn finishing touches...
sbnrnyer bbakat gak ek kemal ni... bkn stkt terer men dota je....
tapi ade sorang yg xleh join msk bwk hantaran....
tgk.. kesian die sorang2 g balik dok kat kete... sambil2 tu tgk muke penyek die kat reflection cermin...
ni lah sume hantaran dr pihak kemal.. even sirih junjung tu pon kemal yg bt... cantik2 blake
btw nua kate g kemal tunang ni pon utk ako jd lebih "educated" ngn adat resam melayu.. hohoho... so antara yg ako blajo is yg pihak pompuan nyer hantaran mst lbh 2 drp hantaran blh laki2.. btol x?
so kemal bt 7 hantaran.. n kema bt 9 hantaran.... byknyer...
majlis bakal dimulakn... wah ramainyer org...
dr blh kemal.. in total 7 FAMILI DTG... wahwahwah....
perundingan hantaran & tempoh pertunangan etc..
sblh kiri tu paklong kemal.. sblh kanan tu ofc bapak kema...
antara isi2 ptg perundingan:
hantaran rm9000 serba satu.. slmt bkn serba dua kan kemal? (nua ajo ako yg serba dua tu klu yg pihak pompuan nk invoke "langkah bendul" ble akaknyer pon lom kawen... huhuhu intan....)
tempoh pertunangan = 1 thn..
hmhm.. rm9000 hantaran.. kenduri lagi.. and in 1 year... if that's not "motivation" utk kemal i dunno what is... :)
pastu yg bakal pengantin pompuannyer pon kuar utk upacara menyarungkn cincin... m'ikut adat n agamanyer.. bakal mak mertua die lah yg sarungkn cincin tu..
kema in serba pink... mrrreow!
mak kemal sarungkn cincin kat kema... n scr officialnyer dh ade gari kat kaki n tgn kemal.. eh sorisori clap.. :))
gambo2 seterusnyer....
kema + adik iparnyer + mak mertuanyer... sume senyum lebar2
oh oh oh.. mmg padan sgt la
arip : 'sup bro.. feelin' fly.. u kno' wat i'm sayin?
kemal : chill la sket arip...
kema: peace to the world.. and to all things pink!
kemal ngn mulut muncungnyer: ble la diorg ni nk abes tangkap gambo.. bosan da... ngok bakal bini ako pon dh ttido2 nih..
hantaran pihak kema.. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.. ha mmg cukup 9 semuanyer...
nyam2 makang!!!!! ayam merah + udang + daging rendang wowowowo
tuka2 hantaran n balik dah...
kemal: uwaa waaa waaaaa.. mane aku nk carik duit.... makan pasir la aku smpi kawin ni... uwaaa
me: dh dh jgn nangis dh.. yg ptg kek ni ako yg punyer!
akhirnyer.. kite tamatkn dgn direct quote wktu perundingan tu drp bakal bpk mertua kemal:
"saya tgk.. bakal menantu saya tu hensem orgnyer.. jadi mmg saya stuju sgt2 lah..."
here's wishing much future happiness for the bride-and-groom-to-be!!!
"if that's not "motivation" utk kemal i dunno what is... :)"
Ahaks... Ko ni mmg la usop...
Semoga kebal dgn sume ujian yg mendatang ye kemal..org kta btunang ni byk dugaan..Sbb tu aku takut..hahaha
waa..congrats!!..byknyer antaran..kalo kawen nnt braper plak?? 9 bls 11 ke?? hee..sib baek x bg bola bowlng..kalo x parah nk angkat time berarak..kikiki
wah korang..laju je mengupload gamba..aku pon xde gamba ni..kamera rosak..tepakse mintak korang..
huh ayat ko mmg pedas dibaca menusuk ke kalbu la sop..yg paling saket mase tu memanjang je org tanye bile abeh blaja..jenuh la nak menjawab..huhu
hahaha sama la mal, ms aku kawen aritu pon ramai dok tnya bile aku nk abeh blaja, wak sakit jiwa je... wah best r karangan usop ade bakat terpendam nih :)
congrats to both of you..moga2 tuhan permudahkan semuanya ya..hehe ;)
ni la antara sbb2 ako x ptt m'upload.. loh nnt tkuar lak bebende yg tahape2.. filter rosak lorh
huhu.. so klu ade komen yg terpedas sori ah kemal huhuhu.. tapi ko dh tunang!!! yeye!!!
@ouda: ako igt slalu org kate jantan je yg ade "fear of commitment".. rupenyer ko pon same ke? ehehe
@aizi: ko pengantin pompuan.. so xde la kesah sgt ar ko x abes blajo lg..
yupe2 iza.. smoga sentiase dimudahkn.. :))
hoho aku pon pantang ngn soalan 'bile nk abes blaja?' tu..hukhuk..so marila kite same2 m'kebalkan ati ni demi tuk jd researcher yg btauliah ye..hehe
btw,congrats tuk kema n kemal..=)
tabik spring la kemal..usop cite ko wat sndiri sirih junjung tu ke..wahh..hebat2..lembut gk tgn ko ek..aku pn xpndai wat bnde tu..haha
@usop: "fear of commitment"? Hahahaha..
x ready lg je..
at least i'm loyal to him... =)
@ouda: xredi lg.. not committed enough.. potaato potaeto.. hehe.. as long ur both happy
yup2.. thank you. =)
not ready till get permanent job..haha
nway, posting ni psl kemal kn.. Jgn stress2 ye kemal..
opps... utk aza jgk..
jgn stres2..
kna kekalkn seri wajah pengantin tu..hehe
ble nk send kad kawin kt aku ye aza...
haha oda..stres2 aku..xde seri2 nye dh..lg stres ble ade YES kt sogo..sbb xde duit nk shoping (er,ade kaitan ke?)
btw,kad kawenku nntikn jela ye..dlm proses =p
yea2 dpt kad kawen aza..
ko nk tau x aza, skrg aku wat2 x nmpk je kdai kasut dpn aku..huhu
lari jauh2...
mmg xde kaitan atr stres kawin dgn YES.. Tp pape hal pn ko kna shopping jgk kn? Kawen xde hantaran ke? Bunga telur, souvenir, etc..
hmm... girls talking shopping... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....
btw im taking it that YES = year end sale?
the chain reaction of girls having wedding fever.. and the guys having to count each cent they have just in order to get the girl.. hmhm
YE ODA..YE AKU KNE SHOPING GAK!(m'ekspreskn k'stress'an)..tp bkn tuk brg aku..brg tuk phk laki la..dorg nye brg lg mhal dr pomp..tbakau duit aku!!
aku pon wat2 je xnmpk bju2 cntek even tgh sale!hukhuk
haha sop,bkn laki je kne mnabung..pomp pon la..huhu
haha usop,klakarla awk membebel pasal shopping..come 2 think of it, u do care.tgh study girls behavior eh?hehe..
aza..u absolutely rite.selamat mnabung azah:)..
ok,sambung keje..lalaala
ape la korg nie
cite kawen x abeh2
blaja dulu kasik habeh
haha kemal..dh tjuk post ni ade kaitan ngn kawen,mstila ckp psl kawen..xkan nk cite psal ari raye haji kot..lalalala =p
jom smbg keje!!! skli lg,lalala..
usop: xkn la nk dating asyk pkai bju yg same je..haha
aza: ye..brg2 laki lg mahal.skali nk bli kasut llaki, bleh dpt 4 pasang heels aku!!!huuu
tim: btl la tu kot..haha
kemal: yup... 100% agree.hee
merapu je tim ni hoho
well.. psl brg2 laki / pompuan mahal / tak.. i'm sure it mostly depends on the guy/girl themselves.. so hmhm.. that's the person you chose to be with lololo
ceh kemal die sndr pon dok tunang cni tunang sane nk ckp gtu.. hahaha
kemal tunang brape kali?
haha.. korang ni sembang sampai dah 21 comments...
nampak sgt issue ni paling korang minat
arghhh..cmne nk grad cpt ni..srver mgi ni asik kne 'sindrom down' je..huhu (tbe2 tuka topik =p)
@aza: "grad cepat"?? ko lupe ke kte ni dh mmg sah sah dh msk 2 sem extend nih?? xde istilah "grad cepat" lagi... "grad cepat" ZZZZZZZZZZZ
on topic:
ofc issue ni menarik.. yg lbh menarik is becoz kemal, a GUY, dah btunang. yg pompuan2 yg blom tu.. fertility doesn't last forever u know... n neither does a guy's attention span.. whichever applies to you..
lolx :)
pergh..gile pnjg..
"neither does a guy's attention span"????
If love based on lust only, yes..
byk komen btl la usop ni.. Ko bercinta dlu la br tau.. Byk lg kekangan2 yg perlu dilalui sblm settle down..
Ke ko tgh bercinta usop?
Scarlett johansson tu alam maya je.. =P
ckup2 la tu.. Dgn ini saya menutup tirai komentar utk post ni..haha
@ouda: sape mkn cili.. hahaha trolling is fun..
and you wish..
btw scarlett johansson dh kawen ngn ryan reynolds la.. both good actor/ess that i like :))
haha..cpt2 la cari calon usop..=p
"ceh kemal die sndr pon dok tunang cni tunang sane nk ckp gtu.. hahaha"
jap2..aku kompius ape maksud ayat nie
siap ade tunang cini tunang sane..
bahaye tu..
clap la.. kemal ko tunang sorang je ke? my bad.. heheh
aza.. baik ko carikkn utk nua tu.. kesian die dh lme tgu ko crkn.. ko ni x mjlnkn tugas sbg agen a.k.a. pimp hoho
ceh..ssh tau jd agen ni..tp tuan diri kne la usaha gk kn..hehe (jgn mara nua ;p)ko pakat2 la ngn nua g cari same2..sepakat mbawa berkat kn..hohoho
skrg satu lab dah jadik assistant agent..nak bantu azah..
azah cepat2 seblum 'geng bas skolah' yg cari kan.
ko agent, so ko dah tahu calon yg sesuai
ala... shout out tak leh guna
haha..bgus2..lg rmai assistant agent lg bgus..sonang keje aku..korang bkn xtau nua nye taste ni.cerewet sket bdk ni..ngeh2 (skli lg..ampun ye nua ;p)
xpe3,ape2 pn kite sme2 doakn dpt y tbaek ye,amiinnn..=)
huhu..shoutout kt lptop aku pn xle gune la..
ako dh tau nape shoutout rosak cam ako kate dulu.. ni cume sbb re-bukak drp mozilla.. cbe bkk blog dlm page yg baru.. mst blh..
aza.. ckp la yg ko tgh hepi n bz sgt ngn kawen sndr smpi dh xpkr dh psl jd agen nua.. cian die.. meheheh.. nak kad kawen cpt..
LOL..kenapa ni nua..relaks2..ngeh3 ;)
usop: aku tau die dh kawin tp ko kn ske giler kt die,nsib baik ko x jd gile..
wahhh..komen plg byk setakat ni kat post ni..ko bangga x kemal? haha
aza: aku setuju dgn ko aza.. nuar nk tggu puteri dr kayangan kot.. =p
klau ade ape salahnye
cet usop..ko kate aku hepi sop..ko xnmpk ke aku stresss ni..ish2,stresss2..(smbil mngerut2kn dahi)
em,kad kwen? tggu je le
nua: haha.bwk btenang ye..lek2..kn geng bas skola ade sedia mbantu gk..lala =p
oda: tu la.ko g suggest mne2 spa kt nua la oda..suh mndi bunge ke ape..mne tau ptri kygn trun ke nti kn hohoh =p
puteri kayangan.. uh nua.. ni ako nk kasi ko shocking news.. perfection does not exist in people, tau. :)
@aza: stress kawen + stress masters = ???
@ouda: what can i say? tp kate beckinsale pn v v hot imho.. celeb fantasies puteri kayangan fantasies lalalalala haha.
what's yours (anybody)?
aza: aku pn dh xde masa n wewet nk g facial..huhu..ade sape2 nk sponsor aku x? haha..
usop: btl tu..no one is perfect.. I voted for average! =)
aku tau kate beckinsale yg pkai sut getah sexy gile tu kan.ish2..
Aku listkan aku nyer favourite(fariz pn tahu)
Hugh jackman (wolverine yg sexy..dlm australia pn sexy jgk..haha)
Rain(dlm ninja assassin sgt mantap)
Arjun Rampal (plakon hindi)
and last but not least, REMY ISHAK (tall, dark, and handsome)
honesty and openness.. i approve!
xknal sesape except hugh jackman.. the only cite yg ako tgk die outside of being graaah graaaaaaa wolverine is dlm "kate & leopold".. was really charming in that one
yeah!! kate n leopold + the prestige
omg.. how could i have forgotten the prestige... one of my fav movies... dang!
great storyline, great acting by great actors..
tp watak die dlm tu more of the.. i dunno camne nk ckp tp not quite the good guy.. klu sesape blom tgk i recommend it..
uisshh..pjg giler korg nyer comment nie.tp lawak la cite korg.lol ;)
well.. pompuan + kawen = one hell of a discussion, right?
when's yours nesz?
ye sile tgk..saye keep tgk ntah keberapa kali..kalo cikgu fizik dlu ckp buat kali ke-n nye..
syabaz agnes coz bce komen yg mcm nk tulis surat kt PM jer..nway, wed is d most hot topic now
yeah.. for whomever who feels the "heat" bcoz all of their friends are getting married / engaged.. and they're still stuck somewhere in relationship limbo with slowly increasing wrinkles and / or body fat..
and there are people who like to dig at the people above... :)
and btw surat kpd pm xperlu pjg2.. mbe just 2 words
nina: tq2. b'usaha gak bace smpi abes.hahakz.
usop: pompuan + kawen =discussion,
then what equal to lelaki (which i mean you) + disscusion ? haha..
ouda :org x knl pn sume nm yg ouda senaraikn kecuali rain.huhu..
usop: aku x ngk lg prestige.best ek??
@agnes: btol prestige best.. n mmg kne phmkn jln cerite die.. tp mmg best
ahh.. me? check the post above, second "paragraph".
xkn hugh jackman a.k.a. wolverine x knl? tp cmon, how about russell crowe? or ryan reynolds?
owh..wolverine dlm Xmen tue ek.ok2.knl.ensem ker?? mmm....russell n ryan x knl.hehe.
nina: surat ke PM? haha.. byk nk complain ke?
usop: go to h*ll with relationship limbo..master...keje..keje..
ryan reynolds encem.. tp russel x..
agnes: ape ssh, google je name deorg..haha
complain kt PM ade gune ke? unless u want a "slogan" but without real substance and action.. u kno what i'm talking about...
@ouda: aish... jgn lupekn fariz camtu je.. keje keje gak.. tp jgn smpi die cari br.. jj
ryan reynolds imo not onli good-looking, but oso quite buff (have u seen him?)and oso a funny guy (at least dlm movies lorrrh)..
russell crowe is more about the "masculinity" and rough-man style.. u know.. sometimes laki2 skg ni sume metrosexual cni metrosexual sane hairspray cni manicure sane..
but u're the gal, not me :))
usop: ko xtau ke? ade contest tulis surat kpd PM.. tp pnyertaan utk bdk2 sekolah je...ahaks
owh.. and surat drp bdk skolah will really help the nation right? ofc ofc.. haha
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